Why choose Favro over Trello

Natalya Hobbs
Favro Team Blog
Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2020


When you have multiple teams, projects, and methods all working towards the same goal, Trello quickly becomes an environment of isolated islands of information. In Favro, everything is connected, allowing each part of the company work their way while overview is maintained. Read on to learn what has convinced many companies to make the switch.

Multiple boards in one view

By allowing more than one board in a single view, teams can work side by side regardless of their method of working. Whether you are producing content, building client relationships, or building an awesome game, you can easily keep teams on track and move work between different workflows. In short: cards can exist on multiple boards at the same time so that teams can collaborate towards the same goal.

Separate backlog with full visibility of what is being worked on

A common problem most board tools have is that the first column becomes your planned work or project todo list. This is problematic for a number of reasons, a key one being that focus is lost from keeping work flowing on the board and continually improving processes. In Favro, you keep planned work in separate backlogs that let you structure, prioritize, and overview status at a glance.

Boards and backlogs in multiple collections

Not only can cards exist anywhere and everywhere in Favro, backlogs and boards can too! By building dashboard collections you can create powerful overviews for executives, cross-team spaces, and client collaboration pages.

Timeline view for long-term planning

Favro enables you to stay agile and adapt as you go, but some things have deadlines, it’s just how business works. Thankfully Favro comes with a powerful timeline feature that lets you plan longterm without taking the focus away from staying adaptive.

Sign up today and take advantage of all the above features and much more and don’t worry, importing your boards from Trello can be done in a single click

